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About Me


Welcome to my website!


If you are reading this you are interested in some of the work I do. (or you're a bo t!)


My skills marry creativity with Nature based interest, ethics and facilitation.


Ive studied a lot of subjects and bring that knowledge when I work.

From wild foods to graphics to herbs and land work and more.

I studied wild foods over a number of years with experienced teachers, and am an accredited member of the forager's association.


One of the main threads that connects the strings of my work is Nature. Another is Self development. Ive spent years immersed in the field.


My most active expression of my work is Coaching. I really enjoy to work with people connecting the 'threads' of purpose, joy and values together to create a tapestry that brings clarity and empowerment, to understand who they are and want at a deeper level and how to achieve.


I studied Life Purpose Coaching in order to help people connect with their own inherent Nature, and that voice that is calling them to make changes and move towards their dreams with clarity and gentle purpose.


I am currently studying about Neurodiversity  and ND Coaching, predominantly from the NeurodiversityCoachingAcademy.


Its a priveledge and pleasure to be able to combine my nature based work with facilitating people's coaching.


I also really enjoy exercising my creativity in designing websites and design work for people whether that be making a poster, a full content website or advising about simple marketing strategy.


I am learning to embrace the diverse threads of interest among which I work, and the creativity and understanding that delivers.


I am based in South Devon and work by zoom, and soemtimes in person, depending on the service and availability.


Please contact me for more details.



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